2021 | TS LaevadGraphicDigitalStrategicE-commerceUser InterfaceWebsiteIllustrationExperience Design
A welcoming face to our biggest islands.
TS Laevad wanted to modernise their web page and turn it into a welcoming online environment, that would sell tickets, introduce their company, and encourage more tourists to visit beautiful Estonian islands.
So we teamed up with Kodality and embarked on a 7-month voyage to create something beautiful and above else – functional.
To shine a light on all the possibilities and answer as many questions as possible – we created a well-structured content system that can be easily accessed from the Menu bar.
So we used these fun blobs and pastel colors to create a design system that is light on the eyes but maintains an intuitive structure. We used the same design system to update praamid.ee social media visuals as well.
To welcome new clients and tourists, we created a direct connection to our national tourism sites, thought through all the transportation needs, and even created little descriptions for a quick overview of the islands.
The whole process lasted for 7 months and the change that happened was huge and surprised many locals at first. From these first weeks, we got valuable feedback from hundreds of people and could make the page even more intuitive and functional.
Today we can say that the new and improved praamid.ee has helped TS Laevad to break many monthly sales records and raises the visitation numbers of our islands for many years to come.