2023 | Arco VaraGraphicDigitalWebsiteBrandingIllustration


A village in the middle of the city

Arcojärve is a cosy residential area by Lake Harku in Tallinn where young adults can start the next chapter of their lives and enjoy life just like out of the city, yet very much in the city.

Arcojärve Harku järve ääres

– Arcojärve by lake Harku.

The name for the environment felt just right. The developer of the area, Arco Vara is proud to present Arcojärve as their flagship development that represents their important values like humane warmth, privacy, comfort and logic.

A pinch of saccharine

Arcojärve’s logo ignites a sensation of nostalgia, that allows you sense the warm summer nights by the lake, laughs at a family picnic and pleasant walks home, despite having yet to experience them in Arcojärve. The badge-like sign connects the mellow waves of the lake and heart combined of home roofs. 

Warm, humorous and laid-back, the brand reflects the warmth of the community.

The brand is telling the stories of its residents through a community scrapbook.

Building the web, the brand was brought to life and developed even more. The main aim was to not only convey the same emotion, but elevate it.

At the end of the day, you can’t rationalise and plan yourself into feeling at home. 

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  • Piia Tammelo Art director
  • Gunnar Hunt Creative lead
  • Maris Teder Producer (brand)
  • Grete Hints Web designer
  • Vahur Vogt Web developer
  • Kristo Pajus Producer (web)


  • Arco Vara AS (Miko Niinemäe, Hart Haljas) Client team
  • Martin Hirvesaar Web copy